Book: IoT Home Hacks with ESP8266 (ISBN: 978-1-907920-83-7)
Elektor International Media / january
There are many so-called ‘Arduino compatible’ platforms on the market. The ESP8266 – in the form of the WeMos D1 Mini Pro – is one that really stands out. This device includes WiFi Internet access and the option of a flash file system using up to 16 MB of external flash memory. Furthermore, there are ample in/output pins (though only one analogue input), PWM, I²C, and one-wire. Needless to say, you are easily able to construct many small IoT devices!
Book: Design your own Embedded Linux Control Centre on PC and Raspberry Pi (ISBN: 978-1-907920-47-9)
Elektor International Media /
This book is all about building your own DIY home control system. It presents two innovative ways to assemble such a system: By recycling old PC hardware – possibly extending the life of an old PC, or by using Raspberry Pi. In both cases, the main system outlined in this book will consist of a computer platform, a wireless mains outlet, a controller and a USB webcam – All linked together by Linux.
By using the Raspberry Pi in conjunction with Arduino (used as an advanced I/O system board), it is possible to construct a small, compact, embedded control system offering enhanced capacity for USB integration, webcams, thermal monitoring and communication with the outside world.
The experience required to undertake the projects within this book are minimal exposure to PC hardware and software, the ability to surf the internet, burn a CD-ROM and assemble a small PCB.
Article: TEXT Me! from 1, PC Junkyard
Elektor International Media /
In this small project a discarded PC together with an old mobile phone will both be granted a second lease of life. With the ‘Damn-Small-Linux’ (DSL) variant running on the PC and the mobile phone attached, the basics of a small, totally free SMS gateway will be demonstrated. Fasten your seatbelts.
Book: Contributor to Circuit Cellar’s “CC25 Anniversary Edition”
Circuit Cellar media company /
Presenting reflections, assessments, and predictions for the evolution of embedded design, CC25 is a must read for engineers of all skill levels. Hardware and software analysis, interviews with industry luminaries, vibrant infographics, and so much more!
Article: Contributor to “Electricity Meter on the Web”.
Elektor International Media /
Reducing each individual’s carbon footprint has been high on the Global Agenda for the last couple of years. There are many ways to achieve that, but first and foremost you need to know
how much electricity is passing through your meter and emptying your wallet 24/7/365. Why not let the worldwide web and some clever technology help you keep tabs on your electricity consumption?
Authur: Søren Mikkelsen